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Health Data Science, M.S.

博彩网址大全健康数据科学理学硕士课程旨在为学生在当今数据驱动的医疗保健行业的职业生涯做好准备. Successful data scientists possess an artful ability to blend, 综合和交流数据,以供患者和提供者在临床决策中使用, 以及推进整个卫生系统的质量改进工作.

博彩网址大全的健康数据科学课程和学术培训是对博彩网址大全其他现有项目和课程的补充, 包括健康信息学(波西健康科学学院), 生物统计学(公共卫生与社会正义学院)、生物医学信息学和计算生物学(文理学院). 学生将有机会从这些项目中学习课程. 


Our graduates have successful careers as data scientists, data managers, data analysts, machine learning engineers, statisticians, software engineers and quantitative analysts in academia, government and industry. 学生也可以在相关领域攻读博士学位. 

Key Figures

  • 98%的学生在毕业后找到了工作.
  • 相关健康数据科学职业的平均工资为117,217美元
  • #2 job in the U.S. according to Glassdoor
  • Third fastest-growing job in the U.S. according to LinkedIn

Curriculum Overview

The goal of 博彩网址大全's M.S. 在健康数据科学计划是为毕业生提供管理所需的专业知识和必要的技能, 操作和分析大型临床和操作数据库. 大多数核心课程在现场提供,方便工作的专业人士. 该课程对于传统学生或在职专业人士来说足够灵活. It offers the expertise and hands-on skills in analytics, 建模和结果研究需要满足卫生保健系统对数据科学家日益增长的需求.

学生完成30学分的课程,横跨以下三个综合研究领域. In the final semester of the program, 学生将完成一个全面的三个学分的顶点课程,该课程为学生提供了一个平台,将整个课程中获得的技能和知识整合到实际的现实项目中. 

Applied Statistics

培养提出关键问题的能力,并从中得出结论, complex data with a variety of analytic methods, including predictive modeling, machine learning and data visualization. 该计划定期整合新软件,以提高敏锐和当前的分析技能.

Practical Computing

了解链接来自不同来源(如电子医疗记录)的数据所需的各种开源和专有软件, insurance claims, operations data, patient registries and personal health devices. This software includes R, Python, SAS, SQL and Hadoop.

Health Science Applications

Respond to the challenges of a regulated, 动态行业通过了解独特的医疗保健环境,如隐私保护, government financing, risk contracting, performance monitoring and population health management.

Fieldwork and Research Opportunities

The Master of Science (M.S.健康数据科学(Health Data Science)课程为传统学生和工作专业人士提供专业知识和实践技能,以满足医疗保健系统日益增长的需求. 重点放在非常抢手的卫生数据操作技能上, data visualization, data mining, machine learning and predictive analytics.

Students build programming skills in R, SAS, SQL, and Python; as well as gain experience working with advanced computing tools such as Hadoop and MapReduce. 该项目利用了我们现有教师的现有教学和研究优势, most of whom have experience in the corporate world, in addition to academia.

Admission Requirements

Application Requirements

Begin your application for this program at

  • Application form and fee
  • Transcripts from most recent degree(s)
  • Professional statement
  • Résumé or curriculum vitae
  • One Letter of Recommendation

Requirements for International Students 

所有国内学生的博彩网址大全政策和要求适用于国际学生. 国际学生还必须满足以下额外要求:

  • Demonstrate English Language Proficiency
  • 财务文件需要完成博彩网址大全申请,并被审查博彩网址大全和优秀奖学金. 
  • Proof of financial support that must include:
    • 由资助该学生在博彩网址大全学习的个人或赞助机构出具的经济支持信
    • 保荐人银行出具的证明资金到位的信函,证明在学生在大学学习期间资金到位
  • Academic records, in English translation, 在美国以外接受高等教育的学生必须包括:
    • Courses taken and/or lectures attended
    • Practical laboratory work
    • The maximum and minimum grades attainable
    • 所有期末考试的成绩或结果
    • Any honors or degrees received.

WES and ECE transcripts are accepted.

Application Deadline

Applications to the program are considered on a rolling basis. 学生可以在秋季或春季学期申请开始该课程.


Tuition Cost Per Credit
Graduate Tuition $1,370

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid

优先考虑研究生奖学金,请在2月6日之前申请. 1. 


  1. 毕业生将能够识别和定义一个分析/操作问题.
  2. 毕业生将能够应用适当的统计方法.
  3. 毕业生将能够应用适当的数据管理策略.
  4. 毕业生将能够批判性地评估方法设计.
  5. 毕业生将能够理解卫生保健的组织和融资以及由此产生的数据集.
  6. 毕业生将能够有效地沟通分析结果.
Applied Statistics Courses
HDS 5310Analytics and Statistical Programming3
HDS 5320Inferential Modeling3
HDS 5330Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning3
Practical Computing Courses
HDS 5210Programming for Health Data Scientists3
ORES 5160Data Management3
HDS 5230High Performance Computing3
Health Science Applications Courses
HDS 5130Healthcare Organization, Management, and Policy3
ORES 5300Foundations of Outcomes Research I3
ORES 5210Foundations of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment3
Capstone Experience
HDS 5960Capstone Experience3
Total Credits30

Continuation Standards

学生必须保持累积平均绩点(GPA)为3.00 in all graduate/professional courses.



Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !)必须在列出的学期内完成,以确保及时毕业. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

这个路线图不应该用来代替定期的学术咨询预约. 鼓励所有学生每学期与他们的指导老师/导师见面. 要求,课程的可用性和顺序可能会发生变化.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
HDS 5210 Programming for Health Data Scientists 3
ORES 5160 Data Management 3
ORES 5300 Foundations of Outcomes Research I 3
HDS 5310 Analytics and Statistical Programming 3
HDS 5320 Inferential Modeling 3
Year Two
HDS 5330 Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning 3
HDS 5130 Healthcare Organization, Management, and Policy 3
HDS 5230 High Performance Computing 3
ORES 5210 Foundations of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 3
HDS 5960 Capstone Experience 3
 Total Credits30